Parasites in humans: symptoms and treatment

You have the parasitic worms, which live at the expense of people, animals, and plants. In Russia there are about 70 species of parasites which can be transmitted in a variety of ways (direct contact, through water and in the soil, or through consumption of contaminated food). However, if you lead a healthy life, to take into account personal hygiene, taking the right medication, to get rid of them.

The types of parasites

The types of parasites

The human body can survive in a variety of types of worms. In order to get rid of them, you'll need to know what types should be avoided:

  • Roundworm;
  • Pinworms;
  • Giardia;
  • While the production of pig and bovine capni;
  • Toxocara;
  • Tapeworm broad;
  • The Echinococcus.

Roundworm – a common species of parasites in the human body. The length of the adult worm reaches the 40 cm of the impact of the small intestines of children and adults. The infection with this parasite causes the disease ascariasis.

Pinworms – a kind of circle of parasites that are more common in children, because of the non-observance of rules of personal hygiene. Pinworms cause the disease enterobiasis.

Giardia is a parasite that is found in 20% of children around the world, rarely in adults. In the affected area are the parts of the colon and, rarely, the bladder, the liver and the bile ducts. The worms that cause the disease giardiasis.

While the production of pig and bovine capni – two species of parasites, similar to. They are flat worms that enter the human body through the consumption of infected animal meats. The length of the pork tapeworm, can reach 3 meters, and the bull is 10 feet. During the maturation of helminth eggs come out with feces.

Toxocara is a parasitic round worm that belongs to the group of Ascaris. Spread it over the eggs, which are found in the feces of the animal and is able to continue its development in a humid environment. The length of the adult worm reaches 30 cm, the Worms cause the disease toxocariasis.

The broad tapeworm is a parasite that lives in the human body for the longest time. The maximum life span of the parasite is up to 25 years of age, and the maximum length is 10 meters. Eggs and larvae enter the human body, the use of a poorly heat-treated fish, crustacean, and caviar.

Echinococcus is a parasite of the strap-like shape. It affects the internal organs: the liver and the lungs, and less frequently of the eyes, the brain and the heart. Its length is small, only 8 mm in height. In the early stages of the disease develops little or no symptoms.

The modes of infection of

The modes of infection of

For the protection against the parasites that you need to know about four of the most common ways of being infected by the eggs of the worms:

  • Through the water and the soil;
  • Through direct contact;
  • With the consumption of contaminated food of animal origin;
  • Stings of insects.

Geohelminths (roundworm, Toxocara), is transferred to the water and the soil, containing the eggs. They enter the small intestine, by eating unwashed food and contaminated water. The inside of the body, so, develops, and sets out for the new eggs, which, together with the faeces fall into the environment to infect other people. The function of geohelminthoses is that they can infect humans by penetrating their eggs through the skin of the feet (in particular, the cracks and dry skin).

Very often, this method of infection, such as by direct contact. You can become infected from a pet store, in the living organisms, which have already been inhabited by the fire. During the game, the total of the activity or the arm in contact with the dogs or the cat, the eggs from the worms are on the surface of the hair, can penetrate into human skin, causing an infection in the body.

The use of raw or poorly processed meat, may lead to charging of the bioeliminable (with the participation of an intermediate host). In addition to the high risk of infection, there is a possibility of contact with the human body to intestinal infection, which is going to have to fight.

Infection through insect bites is rare. However, it may be transferred to the people of the following types of diseases: kantarias from myiasis, scoleciasis.

The children are exposed to helminth infections most of the adults. This is because they are in active contact with the outside world and the weakening of the body's immune system. Thus, children up to 6 years of age, is at high risk of infection. 4 to 5 years of age, almost all children are infected with worms.

The symptoms of this

The symptoms of helminthiasis

Parasites come in a variety of sizes — from microscopic to several meters in length. The variety of their habitats, the human body: the liver, the intestines, the muscles, etc., in Spite of a clear contrast, when infected with the organism, apparently are common symptoms of parasitic infections, including the following:

  • Poisoning;
  • Allergies;
  • The reduction in body weight.
  • The Increase In Temperature;
  • Anemia;
  • The intestinal disturbances;
  • A change in dietary preferences;
  • Itching around the anus.

Parasites at the time of your life, it can produce toxins, which are poison to the human body. The signs of poisoning are: headache, nausea, changes in appetite, weakness, and irritability.

The health of the skin, which may indicate the presence of parasites. When parasitic infestations may include the following symptoms: rash, acne, rosacea, urticaria. If an allergic reaction has been diagnosed, as long as the appearance of parasites, which can cause deterioration on the background of infection: swelling of the mucous membranes of a bronchospasm, and others.

Weight reduction is most pronounced in young children. If you have a good appetite of the child, you can lose the weight. The symptom is characterized by the presence in the body, helminthiasis. The body's temperature, in this case, does not exceed 37.5 degrees Celsius.

The symptoms of anemia: pale skin, nausea, and dizziness. This has to be one of the first signs of infection of the mouth. Parasites feeding on vitamins, trace elements that enter the human organism together with food. To destroy the red blood cells and cause anemia.

Parasites that have a negative impact on the digestive function, resulting in the observation of intestinal disorders. Frequent diarrhea, constipation, stomach pains, bloating of the main symptoms of a parasitic infection.

Some of the types of parasites (e.g., Echinococcus) causing cravings for spicy, salty and smoked food.

Another common symptom of the presence of the worms is itching around the anus. With a slight suspicion of the presence of a parasitic infection, consult your doctor immediately for a complete examination.

The diagnosis of helminthiasis

The diagnosis of

If a person suspects that his / her body has been inhabited by worms, to turn to the Parasitology-infectious diseases. In the public clinics usually such doctor, no. In his absence, we will refer to the gastroenterologist.

To diagnose the parasites, you will have to carry out the tests of:

  • Of the blood;
  • Cala;
  • In the document review.

The presence of the worms, which affect the structure of the blood. In his laboratory, the study is able to detect the eosinophils — are cells that belong to the group of leukocytes. To assist physicians in the identification of a pathology, such as infections and parasitic infections. However, before you give the final diagnosis, it is to be understood that such panels are manufactured and Allergy. If you want to find out whether the human body has parasites, you will need to pass the other tests.

Cal will show you whether the content of helminth eggs. The analysis is based on all potential patients, without exception, if you suspect the presence of worms in the human body.

Some of the types of parasites (such as Echinococcus), are populated in the bodies of human. For a diagnosis of your presence, you will need to complete an instrument examination: chest x-ray, fibrogastroduodenoscopy, ultrasound examination of abdominal zone. If positive, the result will be a need for immediate medical treatment.

The treatment of parasites

The disease can be treated with an anthelmintic medicines according to the patient's condition and the type of worms in the human body. However, many of them have contraindications and side effects. Therefore, depending on the patient, the treatment regimen set individually.

The speed of the recovery, to lay down the following method of treatment:

  • Of medicinal products;
  • Folks;
  • Board.

These methods can be used separately (as a prevention) and in full (for maximum effect of the treatment).


A popular drug from the worms, are made in the form of a tablet. There are, however, also the suspension and rectal suppositories. The suspension is more designed for children who can not chew properly or swallow the tablet. The spark plugs have minimal side effects, but their effectiveness is not hundred percent. If you have to live outside of the bowel, rectal suppository is not going to help you.

The berries

The food, the rules of the

To get rid of the parasitic infection quickly, when combined with the medications to to eat properly. Some of the types of food, creating a discomfort to have to the environment, with the result that they tend to leave the body.

The list of plant products prior to you have to:

  • Garlic;
  • Strawberries;
  • Apricot pits;
  • The juice of a ripe melon, without the harsh chemicals;
  • Raw carrots and seeds.
  • Dried lemon the bone;
  • Pumpkin seeds, and watermelon.

In the treatment with the use of the drug, it is important to follow a proper diet. The source structure needs to be a lot of protein.

It is to be included in the diet of dairy products – fermented baked milk, whey, yogurt. They contain protein, which allows the liver to remove it from the fat cells. Don't forget to intake of fiber. This has had a positive impact on the system in the gastrointestinal tract. It contains the fruits, vegetables, whole-wheat bread.

Harmful products produced in the presence of the worms:

  • Candy;
  • Cereals;
  • Potatoes;
  • Or;
  • Products.

In the treatment of a parasitic infection should be ruled out of the bad habit of alcoholic beverages and tobacco. They contain a substance that destroys the vitamin a group, and an amino acid.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine has in its Arsenal a lot of plants (garlic, onion, pepper, pumpkin seeds), which have been successfully fighting against the fire. The benefits of your favourite recipes are no side effects, they have anti-Allergy, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification properties.

Below are a few of the recipes of traditional medicine.

A known anthelmintic plant is tansy. It is made up of the essential oil of tansy, and the component thujone, which have a paralytic effect on parasitic infections. Plants are the adverse effects of the ascarids, and pinworms. Method of preparation: add a Cup of boiling water to 1 tablespoon of tansy, plants, and filter. How to use: drink a tincture up to 3 times a day, and 1 tbsp 30 minutes before a meal.

Wormwood since ancient times, has been in operation prior to the fire. The plant is used against Giardia, ascarids, and tapeworms. The grass to draw the strength of the tincture. Dosage: 20 drops of a tincture in alcohol is 3 times per day, 30 minutes before meals.


When a lot of the fights the parasite. It is composed of components, which will relieve the patient from the tapeworms and the roundworms. Method of preparation: grind the peel of pomegranate, and the beer is in 750 ml of water. How to use: drink within 90 minutes of the three portions of 250 ml. In the meantime, what is to be prohibited. At 4 hours after the last drink a laxative pill.

In garlic are a volatile and essential oils. They have a good anthelmintic effect. The plant is struggling with a round of worms. How to use: eat one clove of garlic in the morning and in the afternoon and in the evening.

Another effective remedy is a tincture, and nuts. The fruit contains the active substances which normalize the metabolic process. The tincture reconstruction of the gastrointestinal tract and has a beneficial effect on the thyroid. Preparation: is made with vodka in the shares of a — 5 the whole of peeled walnuts 200 grams of vodka. Let it brew for a day. Dosage: one teaspoon in the morning before Breakfast.

Against a parasitic infection of great folk remedies, as well as onions, nettle, clove, burdock, dandelion , and other plants. Actively enemas (for example, the anti pinworms). However, it should be noted, however, that the traditional methods of treatment, which are more precautionary than the base.

Before the treatment the popular methods, you should consult with your doctor first.

The prevention of

Prevention of fire includes taking care of personal hygiene, thorough washing of vegetables and fruits. Before the eating of the meat dishes, you should make sure that it has passed the heat-treatment.

Fans of the salted and dried fish on their preferences. These products shall include an examination of the worms, which are dangerous to health and life of a human being. In the presence of the animal, and frequent contact with them again in six months or a year it is necessary to carry out the prophylaxis of helminth infections and, if infected — treat.